List of platforms I've contributed to.
From vision to victory: Yasar Ahmed's path to global recruitment leadership
Hosted by RecruitCRM
Yasar Ahmed, Global VP of Talent at HelloFresh, spills the beans on his unconventional journey from being a scrum master to becoming a recruitment legend! Uncover the strategies he employed at Wipro and what keeps him motivated in the ever-dynamic landscape of talent acquisition.
AI in Candidate Experience
Hosted by Metaview
In a conversation moderated by Recruiting Brainfood’s Hung Lee, we discuss the role AI can play in enabling high quality, personalized candidate experiences. Yasar Ahmad (Global VP of Talent, Mobility & Rewards, HelloFresh), Kevin Grossman (President, Talent Board), and Siadhal Magos (Co-founder & CEO, Metaview) discuss how forward-thinking recruiting teams can leverage AI to:
Innovation and the next generation of TA | with Yasar Ahmad & Johnny Campbell
Hosted by Social Talent.
Innovation is something that every organization strives for, across the board. Finding new and inventive ways to operate that will optimize processes and bolster growth is mission critical. And this is no less true for those in the talent acquisition sphere.
Talent in 2025: Designing the Future
Hosted by Beamery
In this panel discussion with four industry experts and enterprise talent leaders, we bridge the gap between technology and vision. How do talent leaders today approach the question of AI in transformation? How do they create a vision that can bring along the rest of the business in order to effect the kind of change that will help them attract and engage the best talent?
How great hiring builds great companies
Hosted by Greenhouse
Hiring is intensely competitive – yet many companies don’t realize that their ability to win is the result of a whole-company hiring mindset and leaders who make hiring their top priority. In this session, you’ll hear how the best companies have become more diverse and competitive by transforming how they think about hiring. You’ll walk away with great advice from successful leaders who turned their business partners into Talent Makers.
How to Build a Hiring Culture to Drive Great Hiring Results
Hosted by Social Talent at Recfest
Hiring isn’t just the job of TA – it’s a company-wide imperative. Join Yasar Ahmad (HelloFresh) and Annabel Nichols (Avanade) on stage for an in-depth look at how embedding a culture of hiring into the DNA of your organisation can lead to even better hiring results.